Category Archives: Sober living

How to Prevent Relapse: Top 10 Effective Strategies SJRP Drug & Alcohol Rehab Florida

Identifying triggers and high-risk situations can be done by working with a healthcare professional or counselor, who can provide individualized assistance. Remember, navigating high-risk situations is an ongoing process that requires vigilance and adaptability. By regularly evaluating your risk factors and adjusting your strategies as needed, you can minimize the likelihood of relapse and maintain […]

What is alcohol use disorder? How to treat alcoholism

This means that when people with the disorder are abstaining from alcohol, they are still at increased risk of resuming unhealthy alcohol consumption, even if years have passed since their last drink. The acute effects of alcohol consumption on injury risk are mediated by how regularly the individual drinks. People who drink less frequently are […]

Celebrating Women in Recovery: Three Powerful Sobriety Stories

Her main motivation then became staying clean rather than staying in transitional housing. Eventually, Kate decided to take action and she committed to rehab. By the time Kate was 21, she had fought her way to long-term sobriety. By opening up about your recovery, you contribute to a culture that prioritizes health, healing, and well-being […]

Type 1 vs Type 2 Alcoholism: Whats Your Type? FHE Health

Around one-quarter of intermediate familial alcoholics seek treatment for drinking-related problems. NIAAA reports on a national survey that found that 60 percent of college students between the ages of 18 and 22 drank alcohol in the past month, and nearly two out of every three of these students binge drank during that month. Binge drinking […]